
Technology Upgrades

Each technology upgrade is indicated by a sigma symbol on the map, and their locations are noted during the mission briefing. When you acquire a technology upgrade, you will be able to create new vehicles or buildings that were previously unavailable to you or upgrade the power of your current vehicles and buildings.
Technology Upgrade as It Appears on the Map
To acquire a technology upgrade, you must defeat all enemies present in that sector and shoot at the building. The sector's outline color on the map will change to your faction color to indicate that the technology upgrade is now yours. If you lose an upgrade, you lose the buildings or vehicles it provided and the enemy will gain them. Protect your upgrades by stationing heavy artillery in their vicinity.

Advancing to Parasite City

Even though you can bypass certain levels and reach Parasite City, the last level of Urban Assault, in a more direct manner, at times you may reach a standstill, finding it impossible to defeat your enemies. In these instances, you will find it advantageous to replay earlier levels that are available to you in order to acquire technology upgrades, enhance your vehicles, and continue on your way.